A downloadable game for Windows

Prototype for a top down shooter roguelite I am working on!

This is a submission for the 'Improve My Game Jam 31' game jam, really love the idea I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't! I have posted a devlog on cohost available here if you are interested, but the gist of it is that for this jam I have added the player ship selection and customization screen. Before this week it was just 1 weapon and I was manually adding them to the ships, and manually placing the ship in the test level to play, gross! The work should be a good foundation for future improvements, so I am happy with what I have managed to get done!

Please leave a comment with any feedback at all, I would really appreciate hearing from you!

Known bugs at the time of writing:
May have a windows caution thing on first run, will look into how I can fix this I might need to get that digital certificate thing setup but it costs some $$$
Green bar in bottom right started as an ammo counter, doesn't work anymore but hasn't been cleaned up, looking into different gameplay UI options still!
Currently windowed in 1920x1200 doing different sizes may have black bars, fixing this soon
Sound options do not save
No clue if the (LOCAL ONLY) leaderboard is gonna work for you, if it does/doesn't let me know! Currently no name input, high scores will just save automatically

Art/sounds (and pretty much everything) are placeholder, music is by my friend Josh, crappy sound effects by me, art is edited (butchered) assets from Kenney (https://kenney.nl/).

WASD - Point ship in direction
Spacebar - Thrust for your ship (press to go forward!)
Shift - Boost (limited, see purple bar in bottom right, recharges when not pressed)
Mouse Movement - Aims your weapon turrets
Mouse 1 - Fire Weapon Slot 1
Mouse 2 - Fire Weapon Slot 2
Escape - Pause game

Gamepad controls currently aren't complete or recommended (actively being worked on, high priority for the future!)


ProtoOpSim_v2_IMGJ_updated.zip 30 MB

Install instructions

Should be able to just unzip and run the exe, if you have any problems please let me know! May have a popup asking if you trust it, I promise its not a virus I can send you my social media stuff if you want proof!

Thank you for playing, I would really appreciate any feedback, I hope you have a great day!


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Can you please mark the zip as windows executable in the game so that I can run the game through itch.io app?

Just updated, I think that will fix it for you, if it still has a problem let me know and I can try uploading the .exe directly. Thank you for playing!

That worked great. Thanks!